Scaling for Success: Liveware’s Guide to Building and Growing Outsourced Teams

The concept of scaling teams is much more than in-house hiring. As companies strive to achieve growth and expand operations, many overlook outsourcing and building an offshore team of talented professionals to collaborate remotely. This article provides insights into why outsourcing is a great way to scale your business while taking control of operational expenses.

However, to ensure success, selecting the right outsourcing partner, meticulous talent recruitment, effective communication, and structured training programs are crucial to ensure a cohesive and productive virtual team dynamic, leading to business expansion and success.

The Power of Offshore Talents

Building an offshore team offers numerous advantages, including access to a global talent pool, cost-effectiveness, and 24/7 work schedules. Businesses can gain a competitive edge in their respective industries by leveraging the skills and expertise of professionals from different regions.

Appoint a project manager for the expansion project

Outsourcing a team requires your attention. If you were to hire five or more employees into your business, wouldn’t you want to be involved in that project? Exactly. 

So, here is our advice on an approach that has proven successful. The work starts from the movement you decide your company can benefit from offshore outsourcing. Then, brainstorm about what is essential for your business. Think about the following:

  • What skill set do we need from the outsourced employees?
  • When would the outsourcing project be a success?
  • How do we define a good BPO partner?
  • Are there any blockers for our business to offshore?
  • How involved do we want to stay in the daily operations of the offshore team?

Answering these questions will help your organization fully prepare for the outsourcing journey. If your team needs help identifying your business-specific questions to scope the project, we can help. Schedule a call with one of our strategic managers today and book a discovery session.

Identifying the Right Offshore Partner

After you understand your organization’s needs, it is time to identify the right partner or service provider. Conduct thorough research to find reputable outsourcing companies that specialize in the specific skills your business requires.

Consider factors like experience:

  • Work environment.

    • Is there an office your team works out of?

    • If an office is available, where is it located? Your team might want to visit the Philippines to train staff, does the service provider offer solutions for this situation?

    • What are the company’s core values?

    • Is there a health and well-being program for the staff?

    • Is the outsourcing center managed correctly?

    • Does the partner provide recruitment, HR, and legal support?

  • IT and equipment

    • What is included in the monthly price?

    • Are there hidden costs for additional monitors?

    • What is the internet speed, and is redundant internet available?

  • Management

    • Does the BPO partner provide ongoing support?

    • Is HR available should you have any problems with your teams?

    • Is a dedicated account manager available?

These points seem like a lot, but they’re vital to your decision-making. People are a critical asset of an organization, and you want to make the right decision for your onshore and offshore teams.

Defining the Team Structure and Roles

Once you’ve chosen an offshore partner, collaborate closely with them to define the team’s structure and roles. When scaling and training a remote outsourced team, it’s essential to clearly outline the positions that need to be filled and the associated responsibilities.

For example, the most successful teams at Liveware Labs consist of one team leader and at least five customer service agents. Put a public link to our Role Explainer] Through well-defined team structures and responsibilities, you can ensure that the roles align with your business goals and complement your existing in-house team.

Tailored Recruitment Process

Effective recruitment is the cornerstone of a successful offshore team. Work closely with your offshore partner to develop a tailored recruitment process that aligns with your company culture and values. Conduct comprehensive interviews, assess candidates’ skills and experience, and seek individuals who demonstrate a strong work ethic and commitment to your business’s mission.

At Liveware Labs, we are proud to be able to conduct a fast but accurate recruitment process. We have written an article on our recruitment process, read it here.

Comprehensive Training Program

Training is a critical component of integrating the offshore team seamlessly into your business processes. Develop a comprehensive training program that familiarizes team members with your company’s policies, procedures, tools, and communication channels. Encourage collaboration between offshore and in-house team members to foster a unified work environment. Liveware Labs has built training documentation for many of our clients. We do this with the client to fully understand what is needed. Investing in this early pays off in the end. A good training program includes a schedule, proper documentation, video explainers, and virtual or physical training sessions.

Liveware Labs also provides training programs for our outsourced teams. Alongside this, clients opt into our team-building activities to promote collaboration and foster camaraderie among team members, ultimately enhancing their productivity and synergy.

Effective Communication and Collaboration

Communication is essential when working with an offshore team. Implement regular virtual meetings, video conferencing, and set up instant messaging to facilitate real-time discussions. Establish a strong feedback loop, encouraging team members to voice concerns, share ideas, and contribute to the continuous improvement of processes.

Performance Management and Recognition

Implement a robust performance management system to evaluate and recognize the efforts of your offshore team. Provide constructive feedback, acknowledge achievements, and offer opportunities for professional growth. Recognizing their contributions will motivate team members to perform at their best.

Liveware Labs uses KPIs that can effectively measure and evaluate the performance of our outsourced teams, enabling data-driven decision-making and continuous improvement to achieve business objectives efficiently.

By recruiting the right talent and investing in their training and development, companies can harness the potential of a global workforce with offshore outsourcing that leads to enhanced productivity, increased innovation, and expanded business success.

Embrace this transformative approach to scaling teams and witness your business reach new heights. Outsourcing through Liveware Labs and building an offshore team can be a game-changer for business growth. Contact us today to learn more!

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We make it easy and affordable for businesses to build their own dedicated teams in the Philippines, providing on-site support while allowing full control over KPIs, quality, workflow, and productivity, resulting in significant cost savings and employees who work specifically for your company towards your specific business goals.

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